Special Offers!
Hotel Reservations Book your hotel reservations NOW! With Days Inn-Hopkins Plaza and Save! Save! Save!
Call 410-576-1000 to reserve your hotel space under the Black Heritage Art show group reservation. You will receive a discount rate of $119.00 per night. The Days Inn is located directly across the street from the Baltimore Convention Center. Hurry the last day to reserve a discount rate will be December 29.
Travel Reservations DTS Midway Travel is the authorized travel agent for the Black Heritage Art Show. For information and discount reservations, call Sandy Brooks at DTS-Midway's office at 410-521-8279.
Attention: Mid Atlantic Travelers Book a Bus Trip and receive free Commemorative Posters for your group as well as one free pass to the Annual Fundraising Gala. If interested in booking a bus trip to the show, please complete our information request form. Information will be forwarded to you